Bona Fide Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $146,706 USD 1,485 $99 USD
We are a team of passionate boardgamers who have been in this hobby for more than 10 years now. Nearly 5 years ago we set our minds to create a board game of our own and since then spent almost everyday of that time working on this project and we cannot be more excited to launch it. We wish to make sure we give you the best customer experience we can. And that is a broad term. It starts with us ALWAYS BEING AVAILABLE for you (Customer support). It is important for us to share the info about our games and give you regular monthly updates about the status of the project. Being available "24/7" and communicating is important for us. It continues with creating games that ADD VALUE, that bring something new to your collection, that are multipurpose (different game modes - solo, coop, competitive...) Games that offer important choices to be made when playing and that are most importantly FUN.
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