Command Post Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2018 6 $80,718 USD 611 $132 USD
All projects face complications. The key question is what happens when they pop up? Does the team fold and quit or are they committed to persevering and following the project through to completion? We have a proven track record of overcoming numerous obstacles and COMPLETING a kickstarter project. We have shown that we not only deliver but we also go above and beyond expectations to turn out amazing quality. Our past projects were highly acclaimed for stunning graphics, premium quality components and tense, deeply engaging game play. We are bringing this 1st class team together again for an all new game! God Yvonne Sparrowsmith CEO, Production, Shipping and Logistics Cinc Marshall Barrington Game Design, Website, Promotion and PR Graphic Design Greg Horton Graphics for Dracula! CCO Aaron Wood Amazing Graphics, Printing and Creative Ideas
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