Dave Walsh
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2022 3 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
I'm interested in games that make us feel like our fates are more entwined than opposed. While working on Win-Win Island, I was inspired by how, in her 1983 non-violent co-operative video game "M.U.L.E.", Dani Bunten used (like real life:) a limited number of turns, some random elements, and a mix of both win-win and win-lose market forces, to create a game clockwork that is mostly positive sum even though all players act in their own best interest. I really tried to build on M.U.L.E.'s ideas with Win-Win Island, and I hope more games will too-- it's a rare type of game that I think we may see more of eventually. Thank you to all the game testers! They gave freely of their time, reactions, and ideas, many of which I have used, including (in order of appearance) Ann O, David O, Kamaria M, Tracy E, Miguel L, Amelia L, Jennifer W, John W, Phil B, Jennifer B, John O, Madison G, Brent W, April V, Matt H, Leigh R T, Joseph T, Isaac L, Kevin, Tony, Brad, Char, Yuri, Melissa, and Joyce H and her kids. I want to especially thank Andi O'Briant for her tireless supply of help and advice on this game, starting all the way back in 2012 when we played M.U.L.E. and many other classic games in an effort to think up an idea for creating a new co-operative game. And also thank you to Andi for all the amazing graphic design work she has done to “show me a garden bursting into life”, as the song says, "Each jump in the dark, we claim as our own, We know it's a lie; we never acted alone..."
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