Devil Inside Productions
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2021 10 $37,292 USD 422 $88 USD
After initially getting into miniature based board games, followed by collecting and painting miniatures for a couple of years I've now decided to start my own range of 28mm resin miniatures with the hope of a board game to follow, which I've been developing for over a year. With the Hell Awaits series I'll bring a mix of classic Demons (some with a twist) along with a few of my own creations thrown in for those Demons who don't really have any info on what they look like. Initially I'll be running a Kickstarter for each wave to try and build up a base and to fund the production costs for the very first wave. Once the Kickstarter is up and running hopefully it'll fund and if it does I'll activate my website store with the lower Kickstarter prices so anyone wanting to pay with paypal can do so. Eventually I'll be branching out to some Fantasy Football minis as well. All art will be printed on A5 aged parchment paper.
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