Dice Sports
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2015 - 2018 3 $210,036 USD 1,572 $134 USD
Hi, my name is Robert Butler & i'm the creator/founder of Dice Sports studio in Sheffield UK. As a life long homebrew gamer, it has long been my ambition to take my passion to the next level and do this at a professional level, fortunately through the success of my other business i have found myself in a position where this is possible. The other 2 prominent members of our team are James "Tayz" Taylor and Ben Milnes. Tayz is an avid board gamer and maths enthusiast who works mainly in the area of game mechanics (although this is not confirmed, it is also rumored that he can see the Matrix). Ben is our comic artist, a fanatical card gamer and all round super-geek. Dice Sports represents (what is hopefully) a winning combination of our strengths and passions. It is always our aim for the games that we produce to be unique, mechanically strong, aesthetically pleasing and clearly embody the love we all share for them.
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