Dragori Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2023 4 $6,022,675 USD 29,257 $206 USD
We love the combination of RPGs, board games, good stories, and miniatures. With this undying love and a lot of hard work, the three friends Alex, Clayton, and Dan created Dragori Games, under the dream and the mission to create tabletop projects that sit on everybody's tables, not shelves. Our first accomplishment was Arena: The Contest (2018), successfully fulfilled to pleased backers who are almost unanimous in their excellent reviews of its cooperative and PvP game modes. The expansion Tanares Adventures (2020) comes with more than 300 hours of gameplay content in its Cooperative Campaign, not to mention the additions to the skirmish mode. Its first wave has been recently fulfilled. We developed such a rich world for this last project that it was the perfect opportunity to also make a bold supplement for the world’s greatest RPG: Tanares RPG for 5e (2021).
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