Goblivion Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2022 3 $142,133 USD 2,884 $49 USD
At the head of Goblivion Games is one enthusiast: Jean-François Gauthier Game Designer / Art Jean-François is a game lover in all their forms. A visual jack-of-all–trades, he worked for 10 years as a video game artist on franchises such as Assassin’s Creed, Guitar Hero, Marvel Avengers, Lego and also in the film industry with the World of Warcraft movie. He has combined his professional expertise and now devotes himself passionately to the creation of board games. His first game, Goblivion, won the Palme d'Or for best board game designed in Québec. Dinoblivion was really appreciated by players all around the world too! Jean-François is an accomplished geek. As a teenager, he bathed in rich-themed worlds like Dungeons&Dragons, Shadowrun and Magic the Gathering. His favorite games are: Magic the Gathering, Terraforming Mars, Dominion, Castle of Burgundy, Concordia, Ascension Tactics. Goblivion games is the culmination of ideas and mechanics accumulated over the years that finally materialize for the best of entertainment.
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