Henry Lopez
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2024 9 $293,103 USD 3,525 $83 USD
My name is Henry Lopez and I’m the president and lead writer for Paradigm Concepts, an RPG company that was founded twenty years ago and is made up of some of the most creative people in the industry. PCI began as an OGL company and produced the Origins Award Winning and Ennie Nominated Arcanis series. In 2007, we were also fortunate to have won the Ennie Award for Fan Selected Publisher of the Year. Since then we’ve published the Witch Hunter: The Invisible World line as well as the critically acclaimed Tales of the Caliphate Nights. A few years ago we elected to design and develop Arcanis: World of the Shattered Empires as its own game with a new system, which just won the Origins Award for Best RPG of 2011. Rotted Capes is a guilty pleasure for us in allowing us to publish a game that combines our childhood love of comic books and superheroes with our latest obsession: Zombies. For more information on Paradigm Concepts or any of our publications, please visit us at www.paradigmconcepts.com
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