Jason Brooks
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $138,857 USD 1,848 $75 USD
Brookspun Games began in 2016 when I started designing games with the intent to self-publish. My favorite games are the mid-heavyweight games and any of my designs head that direction as well. Stonemaier Games have had a huge influence on my design philosophies and I've learned much from Jamey Stegmaier, Geoff Englestein and his Ludology co-hosts, Gabe Barrett at BGDL, and many other amazing people in the design community - including a lot of fellow designers in the Chicago-area. When you combine my passion for board games with my day job (20+ years consulting for companies to help them streamline their processes and deliver for their customers more effectively), I feel well-positioned to bring fun, engaging, high-quality games to all of my backers. After regularly backing games myself through Kickstarter over the years, I'm excited to begin sharing my designs back with this excellent community!
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