Keith Matejka
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2024 14 $2,918,373 USD 45,524 $64 USD
Keith Matejka is the creator of the critically acclaimed line of fantasy games in the Roll Player universe. He is the founder of Thunderworks Games -- a small board and card game design / publishing company out of Madison, WI that started in 2013. Lockup: Breakout is the 10th title from Thunderworks. Previous titles include: Bullfrogs, Blend Off!, Roll Player, Roll Player: Monsters & Minions, Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars, Dual Powers: Revolution 1917, and Lockup: A Roll Player Tale. Breakout is designed by Stan Kordonskiy, with the help of developers John Brieger and Keith Matejka. and artists Lucas Ribeiro, Diego Sa, and Luis Francisco. TWG hopes to expand the Roll Player experience in new and interesting ways!
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