Lindorm Dice
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2023 6 $503,824 USD 8,342 $60 USD
Lindorm Dice is built on two pairs of shoulders, Alexander Gesse and Karolina Petrusson. We are two swedish nerds who naturally love both roleplaying and the norse mythos. It all began when Alexander, being a GM, introduced Karro to roleplaying, and therefore also dice. A few years passed (8 years) and we started to realise, the apartment was turning in to a dragon's nest of dice. Some people would maybe ring the Better-stop-bell, but we decided we wanted to make our own dice to go along with our own habitat! In the south of Sweden where we live, old runes and anceint monuments are pretty common, and you can tell that the old tales and the old gods has not been forgotten. It is in this environment that we find inspiration and emerge our selves, and it is here our dice get their life.
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