Mark Swanson
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2016 - 2024 4 $538,590 USD 8,116 $66 USD
A professor by day and game designer by night, Mark Swanson lives in Columbia, Missouri with his three splendidly precocious daughters. Inspired by Eurostyle games in the late 90s, Mark became a quick fan of legends Reiner Knizia, Kalus Teuber, Martin Wallace and Andreas Seyfarth. Mark unveiled his prototype of Feudum at GenCon 2014 and was thrilled to meet and gain insight from his more recent heroes including Eric Lang, Mike Eliott, Bruno Faidutti and Jamey Stegmaier. The unpublished Feudum has already been hailed as "articulate and inventive," and has been placed on several "watch" and "wish" lists within the board game geek community. Visit or BoardGameGeek to learn more.
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