Nathan Meunier
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2021 4 $122,881 USD 4,286 $29 USD
Freelance writer, indie author, and digital/analog game developer My work has appeared in more than 45+ publications, including Nintendo Power, IGN, Mac|Life, GameSpot, GamePro, PC Gamer, GameSpy, Official Xbox Magazine, EGM, and a ton of other print and online outlets. I've made a handful of digital games (This Book Is A Duneon, Missile Cards, Dunkypung, Nuclear Golf). I'm also the creator of The Blessed Dark, Mindburners, Hot Garbage, Doom Machine, (and co-creator of Usurper) and have numerous other card/dice/board games in the works!
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