Postindustrial Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2015 - 2018 3 $431,422 USD 3,143 $137 USD
We would like you to take a closer look at our company and the team, who stands behind the Off World board game. Off World is our third (stand-alone) project, but as you will see, we managed to gather a group of real professional and enthusiasts at the same time. Postindustrial Games Ltd was established especially to publish the best games ever, but of course we hope, that with your support and by fulfilling your expectations. People behind the project: Rafał Bagiński 17 years in graphics design for advertisement and … For several years engaged in designing graphics and game concepts for board and battle games. Privately enthusiast of 3d graphics and all kinds of entertainment where you can rearrange the miniature soldiers on the board. Jarosław Grabowski For many years manager in IT companies and internet media companies, with vast experience in leading non-standard projects. Privately fan of diving, survival and owner of extensive collection of miniatures to several different systems. Maciej Szopa - Off World board game author and enthusiast of sci-fi genre - from movies to collectibles. Jan Jasinski - lead concept artist, environmental designer Pietro Gibran - 3D designer MaxMini - 3d designers, 3d prototyping Andreas Eichwald - game board geek and person responsible for german version and tests
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