Prolific Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2011 - 2019 7 $100,476 USD 1,650 $61 USD
Prolific Games was founded by Bill Sininger in 2008 and John Harris joined him in 2010. Art and graphic design for Flapjacks & Sasquatches: Company Store was done by Jody Henning. If you need a graphic desiner for your next project get a hold of her! Bill lives in Avon, MN and is a teacher for the St Cloud MN School District. His game designs have caused many a player to raise their fists to the skies and curse his name...and then they call for another round. John lives in Minneapolis, MN and is a stay-at-home Dad. John is a master of the demo and greatly appreciates being tipped with bacon. Bill and John are life-long dice-slinging, meeple-loving gamers. With the support of their family and friends, they are attempting to turn their passion for games into a business.
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