Richard Loomis
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2019 6 $373,714 USD 4,968 $75 USD
I am the founder, president, and owner of Flying Buffalo Inc. I started running/moderating/refereeing play by mail games in 1970, and I've been a full-time game producer since I got out of the army in 1972. I designed the award-winning STARWEB play by mail game, wrote the first solitaire adventure for a role-playing game (Buffalo Castle), and designed all the expansion sets for the popular Nuclear War card game. (Nuclear Escalation, Nuclear Proliferation and my favorite, WMD). I have been an exhibitor at every Origins game convention and every Gencon since Gencon 9. You can follow me on Twitter as Buffalorick.
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