Zach Weisman
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2016 - 2022 4 $837,531 USD 8,069 $104 USD
Zach Weisman is the Lead Designer and co-founder of Guildhall Studios. He grew up surrounded by games and has been working as a designer for over ten years. His first game, Got ‘Em, was released in 2007. At Harebrained Schemes, he worked as a designer for Golem Arcana and its expansions and worked on Shadowrun Returns as well. At Calliope Games, he led the development of the Titan Series as the in-house Lead Designer, collaborating with designers such as, Richard Garfield, Eric Lang, Paul Peterson, and more. He also designed Menu Masters and Adorable Monsters while developing the Titan Series.
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