Zain Memon
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2021 2 $552,875 USD 6,073 $91 USD
Zain Memon is a storyteller, game designer, and producer based out of Goa. He is the co-founder of Memesys Studios, a cinema and new media studio, as well as Gadfly Studios - an indie board game publisher based out of Delaware. In 2019, Zain created SHASN - The Political Strategy Board Game. After receiving critical acclaim, including the IndieCade Award for Best Social Impact Game 2019, SHASN was delivered to over 5000 backers around the world. After achieving the distinction of being the largest ever crowdfunding campaign out of India, SHASN has since become a mainstay in the Indian tabletop subculture. Zain has served as the Executive Producer on OK Computer (Series // Disney), the Creative Producer on An Insignificant Man (Feature Documentary) and worked on the award-winning Ship of Theseus (Feature Film). Alongside creating and producing SHASN: AZADI, Zain is working on a slate of new tabletop and digital games. He has been recognized as one of the finest ludologists in the region, and a driving force in the subcontinent’s growing board game industry.
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