3 Emme Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2022 2 $161,453 USD 3,899 $41 USD
Deer Games is a tabletop game publisher. Our dream is to engage anyone through our games, the families but also the experienced board gamers. With enthusiasm and passion, we work hand in hand with artists and designers to offer incredibles but streamlined gaming experiences.
Chang an
A project in Milano, Italy by 3 Emme Games 2 created
TabletopAncientCard DraftingCity BuildingCivilizationHand ManagementVariable Powers

Build the city of Chang'an in the new engine building and resource management card game by Nestore Mangone and Carlo Camarotto!

Duration: 2022/01/31 - 2022/02/21 (20 days)

A project in Milano, Italy by 3 Emme Games 2 created
TabletopCard GameCardsCard DraftingHand ManagementSet CollectionSoloVariable Powers

A poetic card game about autumn colors and stunning landscapes in Ancient Japan. Play it solo or up to four players.

Duration: 2020/11/30 - 2020/12/23 (22 days)

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