Aaron Perez
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
My name is Aaron Perez and I am a new content creator. I absolutely love Dungeons and Dragons and have been a DM for over 3 years and a podcast of it soon to come. Now that I've become more experienced and learned the system, I want to bring one of my stories to life and share it with the world. I look forward to supporting local creators and making sure everyone can prosper.
The Shadow Gates Campaign Book (D&D 5E)
The Shadow Gates Campaign Book (D&D 5E)
A project in East Lansing, MI by Aaron Perez 1 created

The Shadow Gates is D&D 5e Campaign book that I am creating. The content will cover levels 1-20 with new subclasses, monsters and more!

Duration: 2020/04/03 - 2020/06/02 (59 days)

*** Failed ***

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