Alexander Ingram
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2015 - 2018 2 $84,378 USD 769 $110 USD
By day I work in engineering and by night I run Ingram Woodworking where I make piles and piles of sawdust creating hardwood gaming awesomeness. I make some coasters, some dice boxes, some dice cups and lots of custom stuff. My wife, daughter, and I live with our slobber monster in hilly southwestern Wisconsin.
TOME OF HOLDING: The hardwood dice box and rolling tray.
TOME OF HOLDING: The hardwood dice box and rolling tray.
A project in Madison, WI by Alexander Ingram 2 created

Intricate designs appear carved into the cover of this old tome. What mysteries might lie inside?

Duration: 2018/09/22 - 2018/11/07 (45 days)

RPG coasters
RPG coasters
A project in by Alexander Ingram 2 created

Class specific drink coasters to help you slay wet rings and save your beautiful tables!

End Date: 2015/08/31

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