Andrew Michael Engelbrite
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $6,011 USD 661 $9 USD
I'm a diehard nerd, a former comic shop manager trying to make a living in the nerdiest way possible. Part of LootTheBoss, a small team of writers, artists and animators devoted to adventure (by killing the boss and taking his loot).
Ultimate Player Race Creator - Endless 5E D&D Races
Ultimate Player Race Creator - Endless 5E D&D Races
A project in Dallas, TX by Andrew Michael Engelbrite 1 created

Make any playable Dungeons and Dragons race you can imagine with hundreds of racial traits to choose from.

Duration: 2019/01/31 - 2019/03/03 (30 days)

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