Andy Kitkowski
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2015 3 $315,468 USD 5,286 $60 USD
Shinobigami - Modern Ninja Battle Tabletop RPG from Japan
Shinobigami - Modern Ninja Battle Tabletop RPG from Japan
A project in Raleigh, NC by Andy Kitkowski 3 created

Shinobigami is an original Japanese story-focused tabletop RPG of drama, action, tactics and frenemies, set in a modern ninja cold war.

Duration: 2015/11/06 - 2015/12/15 (38 days)

Ryuutama - Natural Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Ryuutama - Natural Fantasy Role-Playing Game
A project in Raleigh, NC by Andy Kitkowski 3 created

Ryuutama is an original Japanese heartwarming tabletop RPG of travel and wonder, currently being translated for release in English!

Duration: 2013/10/31 - 2013/12/15 (44 days)

Tenra Bansho Zero - An Art and Culture-Rich RPG from Japan
Tenra Bansho Zero - An Art and Culture-Rich RPG from Japan
A project in Raleigh, NC by Andy Kitkowski 3 created

A high-action high-drama fantasy RPG originally from Japan! A world of magic and mecha, with rules that emulate a Kabuki play or anime.

Duration: 2012/08/16 - 2012/09/16 (30 days)

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