Angelo Peluso
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $275,770 USD 3,282 $84 USD
Italian author and illustrator. He currently works as a freelance artist mainly for RPGs, tabletop games and more generally in publishing. In his curriculum, in recent years, he can boast collaborations with internationally renowned clients such as Paizo inc, Monte Cook Games and Schwalb Entertainment. His artworks have been used in various games such as Pathfinder 2, Starfinder, Numenera, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Sine Requie, Invisible Sun, Cypher System, The Last Torch and others. He currently collaborates with Mana Project Studio as a freelance artist.
Nightfell: Horror Fantasy Setting for 5e
Nightfell: Horror Fantasy Setting for 5e
A project in Taranto, Italy by Angelo Peluso 1 created

Nightfell is a Horror Fantasy setting, a grimdark world under the influence of the Moon, for 5th Edition.

Duration: 2020/06/29 - 2020/07/30 (30 days)

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