Antithesis Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $51,859 USD 818 $63 USD
ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. Thematic and strategic board games, for omni gamers. We created Antithesis Games to bring forth variety and immersion. We believe that quality is not just in components, but equally in the time invested in our games. As such, we believe in a stronger, leaner and faster design process, to bring quality time, to hobby gamers around the world. We combine a unique progressive design process with immersive storytelling, creating engaging and captivating games. Our approach is to create games that has a perfect fit, with a niche and resonating storytelling, for passionated and dedicated gamers. Games that goes above and beyond, supporting communities and inspires gamers to convey our efforts.
A project in Copenhagen, Denmark by Antithesis Games 1 created
TabletopSci-fiExplorationHand ManagementSet CollectionSolo

Engine builder for 1-6 players. Explore desolated materials, improve your inventory, make trades and obtain dominance for victory.

Duration: 2020/09/28 - 2020/10/29 (30 days)

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