Arcana Resurgence
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $13,611 USD 71 $192 USD
Arcana Resurgence is a multiplayer deckbuilding game originally designed by Nikko Lurye. Over the past year, the team has expanded to include a number of talented and passionate artists. Their goal is to create a fun and well-crafted experience for players, and to continue to work with and expand Arcana Resurgence as long as they can.
Arcana Resurgence
Arcana Resurgence
A project in San Francisco, CA by Arcana Resurgence 1 created

Magic is returning to the modern world. Summon familiars, cast spells, and forge relics in this new deck building game!

Duration: 2021/09/27 - 2021/10/18 (20 days)

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