August Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2021 5 $172,498 USD 2,472 $70 USD
August Games is a tabletop design group and publisher of hobby games. We are a group of game geeks who simply love board games and want to make the sort of games we want to play – games that are elegant in design with compelling themes and above all – FUN!
Rise of the Gnomes
Rise of the Gnomes
A project in Las Vegas, NV by August Games 5 created
TabletopFantasyCo-opSoloWorker Placement

A challenging tabletop game with unique player races, seven levels of difficulty, and four different ways to play.

Duration: 2021/03/31 - 2021/04/30 (29 days)

Dragon Brew: Orctoberfest
Dragon Brew: Orctoberfest
A project in Las Vegas, NV by August Games 5 created
TabletopCard DraftingFantasyExpansion for Base - GameVariable Powers

A fast fun card game where you and your friends brew custom beers during Orctoberfest to win the favor of the Orc judges of Brumancia.

Duration: 2019/10/19 - 2019/11/05 (16 days)

Treasure Mountain
Treasure Mountain
A project in Las Vegas, NV by August Games 5 created

Combines worker placement and tile laying to create a unique experience where you can bump other workers off spaces and take the action

Duration: 2018/05/02 - 2018/06/02 (30 days)

Treasure Mountain - Dig Deep, But Not Too Deep!
Treasure Mountain - Dig Deep, But Not Too Deep!
A project in Las Vegas, NV by August Games 5 created
TabletopTilesFantasyWorker Placement

A dwarf themed board game for 2-4 players, using a unique bumping worker placement mechanic based on the size of your dwarf's beard.

Duration: 2018/02/04 - 2018/03/07 (30 days)

*** Cancelled ***

Dragon Brew - Make Beer, Not War!
Dragon Brew - Make Beer, Not War!
A project in Las Vegas, NV by August Games 5 created
TabletopFantasyCard DraftingVariable Powers

A fantasy themed beer brewing game for 2-4 players, using worker placement, card drafting, and customized beer-crafting mechanics

Duration: 2017/01/29 - 2017/03/04 (33 days)

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