Austin Cushing
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2022 3 $11,052 USD 374 $30 USD
Roll 4 It Dice is a successful small dice company in Kansas City that has dedicated itself to bringing dice and gaming supplies to people at reasonable low prices. Roll 4 It Dice has vended at conventions in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Missouri, and has dice in multiple stores in the New Jersey and Missouri areas. Roll 4 It Dice is always seeking new opportunities to bring affordably-priced dice and gaming merchandise to customers of all types.
Roll4ItDice Pearled Pride Dice
Roll4ItDice Pearled Pride Dice
A project in Kansas City, MO by Austin Cushing 3 created

A brand new line of Pride Dice made in pearlized opaque colors, now in 7 die sets, 12d6 16mm sets, and 36d6 12mm sets!

Duration: 2022/01/14 - 2022/03/16 (60 days)

*** Failed ***

Roll4ItDice Pride Dice - Our First Expansion
Roll4ItDice Pride Dice - Our First Expansion
A project in Kansas City, MO by Austin Cushing 3 created

Expanding on our existing Pride Dice line to provide further representation amongst the gamer community.

Duration: 2021/07/27 - 2021/09/26 (60 days)

Roll4ItDice Pride Dice
Roll4ItDice Pride Dice
A project in Kansas City, MO by Austin Cushing 3 created

Sharing your pride at the gaming table.

Duration: 2021/02/15 - 2021/03/17 (29 days)

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