Black Forge Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2022 3 $74,094 USD 1,823 $41 USD
We are a board game company located in the legendary New Zealand driven by a motivated team focused on creating high-quality board games and sculpts/miniatures.
The Ancestors - Nkosi
The Ancestors - Nkosi
A project in Wellington, NZ by Black Forge Games 3 created

A Dark Fantasy Universe with High-Quality 3D Printables for your collection.

Duration: 2022/07/25 - 2022/08/25 (30 days)

The Ancestors - Voljaryk
The Ancestors - Voljaryk
A project in Wellington, NZ by Black Forge Games 3 created

A high-quality STL/Resin figure for your collection

Duration: 2021/09/03 - 2021/10/04 (30 days)

The Ancestors - Tenjin
The Ancestors - Tenjin
A project in Wellington, NZ by Black Forge Games 3 created

A high-quality figure for your collection.

Duration: 2020/11/27 - 2020/12/28 (30 days)

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