Blackbody Lab
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $40,860 USD 710 $58 USD
We are a small research & design studio based in Hong Kong. Our vision is to address specific social issues with each of our project and provide possible design solutions. We believe worthy design should behave like a Blackbody, which not only absorb problems of various kinds but also radiate positive influences to our lives.
LOOP - Life Of Ordinary People
LOOP - Life Of Ordinary People
A project in Hong Kong, Hong Kong by Blackbody Lab 1 created

Work, Buy, Consume, Die... Can you break this LOOP? | A boardgame about Consumption, Environment, & Happiness.

Duration: 2021/04/01 - 2021/05/17 (45 days)

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