Bombshell Miniatures
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2023 12 $345,802 USD 3,883 $89 USD
Bombshell Miniatures features exceptional miniature figures for the gaming and painting community directed by sculptor Patrick Keith.
Bombshell Special Edition Maelee Set
Bombshell Special Edition Maelee Set
A project in Mckinney, TX by Bombshell Miniatures 12 created

Help us get Maelee's Set into production and on her way to GenCon.

Duration: 2013/06/17 - 2013/07/12 (24 days)

Bombshell Babes
Bombshell Babes
A project in Mc Kinney, TX by Bombshell Miniatures 12 created

We aim to launch a new line of miniatures for the tabletop gaming and painting community featuring strong iconic female characters.

Duration: 2012/09/04 - 2012/10/05 (30 days)

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