Bradley Crouch
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2019 4 $12,104 USD 369 $33 USD
Bradley Crouch is the one and only madman behind the curtain that is Interjection Games. Since his first release in 2012, Bradley has gone on to release dozens of base classes and about 100 other products, winning slots #2 and #9 on Endzeitgeist’s top 10 of 2013, three nominations for the top 10 of 2014, more nominations for the top 10 of 2015 than anyone else, and winning the #2 slot with Strange Magic 1. As this is a full-time gig, when Bradley is not coming up with new gaming material, he’s more than likely scheming about the creation of new gaming material.
Ultimate Tinkering for Pathfinder Second Edition
Ultimate Tinkering for Pathfinder Second Edition
A project in Toledo, OH by Bradley Crouch 4 created

Design a squad of automatons from the ground up, deploy the right machines for the job, and command them. You are the Squad Commander!

Duration: 2019/08/17 - 2019/09/17 (30 days)

*** Cancelled ***

Strange Magic 2 - New Magic Systems for Pathfinder + D&D 5e
Strange Magic 2 - New Magic Systems for Pathfinder + D&D 5e
A project in Toledo, OH by Bradley Crouch 4 created

Move over, Vancian magic! Druidic chaos magic, deckbuilding cartomancy, and Japanese-themed talisman and petition magics have arrived.

Duration: 2016/07/09 - 2016/08/09 (30 days)

The Big Book of Bloodlines for the Pathfinder RPG
The Big Book of Bloodlines for the Pathfinder RPG
A project in Toledo, OH by Bradley Crouch 4 created

Breathe new life into the sorcerer and bloodrager with over 100 new bloodlines designed for strange and unusual character concepts.

Duration: 2015/02/28 - 2015/03/31 (30 days)

Strange Magic: New Magic Systems for the Pathfinder RPG
Strange Magic: New Magic Systems for the Pathfinder RPG
A project in Toledo, OH by Bradley Crouch 4 created

Bored by Vancian Magic? Unleash Truename Magic, custom Musical Compositions & warlock-style Ethermagic in 20 new classes/archetypes/PrC

Duration: 2014/08/27 - 2014/09/27 (30 days)

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