Calvin Johns
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2010 - 2021 4 $16,582 USD 451 $37 USD
Calvin is a game designer, scholar of play/games/affect/emergence, and data consultant living in Austin, TX. He lives and writes games whenever he isn't pushing buttons for the State of Texas.
Heterodoxy RPG Zine
Heterodoxy RPG Zine
A project in Austin, TX by Calvin Johns 4 created

A game of witches raised by a heretic saving a forest from an empire. GM-less, distributed characters, procedural generation #Sidequest

Duration: 2021/11/16 - 2021/12/01 (14 days)

Kingpink: Darkness RPG #Zinequest2
Kingpink: Darkness RPG #Zinequest2
A project in Austin, TX by Calvin Johns 4 created

GM-less tabletop RPG for improv-friendly groups. Build your own rich, thematic game world and complete a campaign arc in 1-3 sessions.

Duration: 2020/02/29 - 2020/03/15 (14 days)

Fantaji Universal Role-Playing System
Fantaji Universal Role-Playing System
A project in Austin, TX by Calvin Johns 4 created

A creative and tactical system for running your very own tabletop RPG. The universal engine is as rowdy, edgy, or dark as you are.

Duration: 2014/05/07 - 2014/06/13 (36 days)

Early Dark Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Early Dark Tabletop Role-Playing Game
A project in Austin, TX by Calvin Johns 4 created

We want to print Early Dark, our innovative, all-original role-playing game that takes place outside the typical European-Medieval fantasy setting!

Duration: 2010/07/10 - 2010/08/27 (47 days)

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