Canterbury Games Studio
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2019 3 $4,627 USD 223 $21 USD
Canterbury Games Studio is the dream of three nerds to avoid the harsh realities of life, by diving into the harsh realities of the Indie game business. It aims to deliver intriguing and interesting board games, card games and tabletop RPG
Brainjacked - A Cyberpunk campaign setting for FATE core
Brainjacked - A Cyberpunk campaign setting for FATE core
A project in Canterbury, UK by Canterbury Games Studio 3 created

Your brain has been hacked; your identity erased. What will you do to get it back?

Duration: 2019/10/21 - 2019/11/21 (30 days)

Brainjacked - A Cyberpunk campaign setting for FATE core (Canceled)
Brainjacked - A Cyberpunk campaign setting for FATE core (Canceled)
A project in Canterbury, UK by Canterbury Games Studio 3 created

A Cyberpunk setting for the FATE Core RPG. Your brain has been hacked; your identity erased. What will you do to get it back?

Duration: 2019/09/24 - 2019/10/25 (30 days)

*** Cancelled ***

Henchmen - A Fate RPG campaign world.
Henchmen - A Fate RPG campaign world.
A project in Canterbury, UK by Canterbury Games Studio 3 created

A Fate Core campaign setting of villainous henchmen in a hero thwarts Doomsday device world.

Duration: 2017/08/29 - 2017/09/28 (29 days)

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