Chinook Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2018 2 $13,968 USD 278 $50 USD
Chinook Games: Minutes to learn, a lifetime to enjoy. Chinook Games is a board game startup located in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We were founded with the mission of creating accessible, quality board games featuring imaginative art and timeless challenges. Our products are meant for players who look for games to enjoy for many years with family and friends. Borders of Kanta is our first commercially available game.
Borders of Kanta: A tile laying game for 2-6 players
Borders of Kanta: A tile laying game for 2-6 players
A project in Winnipeg, Canada by Chinook Games 2 created

Outwit other clans in a realm recovering from a plague. Claim promising states and gather resources. Just don't get infected.

Duration: 2018/11/21 - 2018/12/20 (28 days)

Borders of Kanta: A tile laying game for 2-6 players
Borders of Kanta: A tile laying game for 2-6 players
A project in Edmonton, Canada by Chinook Games 2 created

Outwit other clans in a realm recovering from a plague. Claim promising states and gather resources. Just don't get infected.

Duration: 2018/11/06 - 2018/12/05 (28 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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