Chris Norlund
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 4 $5,029 USD 200 $25 USD
Chris Norlund is an independent creative. He has always been attracted to independent projects, because freedom allows maximum creativity.
Monster in the Woods 2nd Print
Monster in the Woods 2nd Print
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Chris Norlund 4 created
TabletopCard GameCards

A competitive card game that involves bluffing, stealing, and trying not to get eaten by the monster.

Duration: 2019/05/19 - 2019/06/19 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

Monster in the Woods 2nd Printing
Monster in the Woods 2nd Printing
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Chris Norlund 4 created
TabletopCard GameCardsBluffing

A competitive card game that involves bluffing, stealing, and trying not to get eaten by the monster.

Duration: 2019/04/19 - 2019/05/20 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

Throne of Chickens
Throne of Chickens
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Chris Norlund 4 created
TabletopCard GameAnimalsCards

A card game for people who like chickens with axes, cauldrons, dead fish, and dragons.

Duration: 2019/03/12 - 2019/04/12 (30 days)

Monster in the Woods
Monster in the Woods
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Chris Norlund 4 created
TabletopCard GameCards

A competitive card game for 2-5+ players that takes 10-15 minutes to play.

Duration: 2019/01/27 - 2019/02/27 (30 days)

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