Chronos Builder
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $189,939 USD 4,035 $47 USD
Chronos Builder is the ultimate tool for creating tabletop role-playing maps. Let Chronos Builder help you to create that map you have in your mind in a quick and, above all, very easy way. Because in your mind you are able to see all the details: the smoke from the chimney, the stains on the carpet, the marble bust... and Chronos Builder is the one that will allow you to bring it to life with the quality it deserves... without having to invest all your time! Will you join us to discover it?
Chronos Builder
Chronos Builder
A project in Elche, Spain by Chronos Builder 1 created

ChronosBuilder is an easy and outstanding 3D map creator tool for Medieval, Fantasy , 19th-20th cent, Cyberpunk and Sci-fi

Duration: 2021/11/29 - 2021/12/23 (23 days)

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