Clark Huggins
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $238,378 USD 2,554 $93 USD
I am an illustrator turned professional actor turned illustrator once again. As a painter, I try to bring the immediacy and emotional specificity learned in the theater to my visual art. I also attempt to combine the aesthetic of avant grade performance with my sincere love of the pursuits of a 12 year old - comics, fantasy, & science fiction. I work consistently with several game companies, have done the cover art for several books, and continue to have a presence in the advertising world. I also continue to work as a storyboard artist for commercial & film production, and have worked for TRUE BLOOD, AMERICAN HORROR STORY, DAMAGES, UNDEREMPLOYED on MTV, and NAKED VEGAS on the SyFy channel. My work has appeared in SPECTRUM, INFECTED BY ART, and IMAGINE FX magazine. I studied illustration at RISD, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, and SVA, and have an MFA in performance from The A.R.T. Institute at Harvard University.
Reckless Deck: PSYCHE
Reckless Deck: PSYCHE
A project in Providence, RI by Clark Huggins 1 created
TabletopCard Game

The card deck that takes a deep dive inside your character's MIND.

Duration: 2020/09/14 - 2020/10/13 (28 days)

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