Claudio Floreani
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2022 2 $41,811 USD 394 $106 USD
I've always been passionate about board games, wargame modelism (I'm a GW and Middle-Earth fan) and whenever I need something, before looking into buying it, I start thinking about doing myself exactly what I need. So when the opportunity to put together these attitudes showed up, taking it was was a natural choice. In May 2020 I run my first successful Kickstarter campaign with the launch of the first organizer based on smart principles for the popular board game "Kingdom Death: Monster" and I fulfilled over 200 backers.
KDM Monster Organizer — Board game box made smart (SEASON 2)
KDM Monster Organizer — Board game box made smart (SEASON 2)
A project in Milano, Italy by Claudio Floreani 2 created

"Kingdom Death: Monster" storage system designed to be a game companion, not a dust gatherer! ✨ NEW SEASON LIMITED TO 120 BACKERS ✨

Duration: 2022/08/20 - 2022/08/31 (10 days)

KDM Monster Organizer — Board game boxes finally made smart
KDM Monster Organizer — Board game boxes finally made smart
A project in Milano, Italy by Claudio Floreani 2 created

Kingdom Death Monster box redesigned to be your game companion — because game boxes should be much more than dust gatherers!

Duration: 2020/03/05 - 2020/05/05 (60 days)

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