Cranky Chinchillas
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $120,082 USD 1,642 $73 USD
We are a Canadian indie game company on a mission to bring joy and happiness through fluffy, round, and sometimes grumpy chinchillas. In collaboration with our partners, we strive for excellence in delivering delightful and lasting experiences for you, your friends, and your loved ones.
Cranky Chinchillas
Cranky Chinchillas
A project in Toronto, Canada by Cranky Chinchillas 1 created
TabletopCard GamePartyFantasyCardsBluffingDeductionHand ManagementTake ThatVariable Powers

A game of secret alliances, betrayal, and unleashing chaos with fluffy chinchillas.

Duration: 2021/09/20 - 2021/10/21 (30 days)

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