Daniel Drake
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2017 - 2020 2 $17,326 USD 373 $46 USD
I'm Daniel James Drake. My best friend Hank and I started Dancakes, the world's first professional pancake art company, and have since grown to a team of 8 artists with over a million followers across our various social media platforms. I've spent almost all of my free time, money, and energy in the last five years putting together a beautiful board game experience called Anthromancer, with the help of over fifteen other artists, musicians, designers, game developers and creative collaborators. My dream is for Anthromancer to take on a life of its own and unfold into something strangely revolutionary. I'm a simple Fool.
Anthromancer: A Game. An Oracle. An Album. A Myth.
Anthromancer: A Game. An Oracle. An Album. A Myth.
A project in St. Louis, MO by Daniel Drake 2 created

A suite of board games, an original oracle, a concept album, and a deep mythology inspired by ancient human ritual.

Duration: 2020/05/04 - 2020/06/04 (30 days)

A project in St. Louis, MO by Daniel Drake 2 created

Anthromancer is a multi-faceted Project of Earth: a board game, tarot card system, full-length album, visualizer, and mystery riddle.

Duration: 2017/08/20 - 2017/09/20 (30 days)

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