Danilo Moretti
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $3,694 USD 412 $9 USD
I have been working as a graphic designer for more than twenty years. I am a big fan of Role-playing games and since 2006 I have created Inspired Device, a label under which different projects have seen the light: Super Adventures (Super Heroes), Fenomena (Weird and surreal contemporary ), Freak Control (an original setting for Savage Worlds set in the '80s, well before Stranger Things) and various supplements in electronic format for titles such as D&D, M&M, Runequest. Most of the are only in the Italian language (for now).
Pamphlet Islands
Pamphlet Islands
A project in Italia, Italy by Danilo Moretti 1 created

A collection of hex-crawl islands for OSR Role-Playing Games. (English & Italian versions)

Duration: 2022/01/06 - 2022/02/06 (30 days)

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