Darius Sobolewski
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $19,375 USD 1,009 $19 USD
Darius is a young composer and filmmaker from Germany. In the recent years, he has been working as a composer on a lot of student films, professional adverts as well as various indie games. He is studying film at the university of applied science in Darmstadt, Germany. In early 2019 he started the project called 'SoundTale', a dnd app for sound and music. Therefore, he got more into coding and composed a lot of the music for the app. Right now, he is still working on 'SoundTale' as his main project.
SoundTale - Sound and Music App for DnD and Pathfinder
SoundTale - Sound and Music App for DnD and Pathfinder
A project in Darmstadt, Germany by Darius Sobolewski 1 created

An android app that creates a dense atmosphere through music and sounds for pen and paper adventures such as DnD or Pathfinder.

Duration: 2020/04/01 - 2020/05/02 (30 days)

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