Dave Sokolowski
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2016 2 $25,003 USD 918 $27 USD
Sun Spots - A Call of Cthulhu RPG Scenario
Sun Spots - A Call of Cthulhu RPG Scenario
A project in Sunnyvale, CA by Dave Sokolowski 2 created

A 1920s horror Call of Cthulhu RPG scenario set in New England with ancient magics, unbridled ambition & a new take on an old god.

Duration: 2016/09/14 - 2016/10/09 (24 days)

He Who Laughs Last - A Cthulhu Dark RPG Scenario
He Who Laughs Last - A Cthulhu Dark RPG Scenario
A project in Sunnyvale, CA by Dave Sokolowski 2 created

A modern horror RPG scenario set in LA with comedians, ancient magics, and a growing sense of dread. Game rules included.

Duration: 2014/02/09 - 2014/03/15 (33 days)

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