David Cox
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2020 2 $16,224 USD 1,324 $12 USD
Creator of A Rasp of Sand, writer, illustrator and graphic designer working out of the Southern Appalachians. Specializing in thematic games that intertwine theme and mechanics.
Eat Trash. Be Free.
Eat Trash. Be Free.
A project in Knoxville, TN by David Cox 2 created

A tabletop RPG zine, for ZineQuest 2, where you play as a gang of animals stealing food and garbage from humans in a small town.

Duration: 2020/02/28 - 2020/03/14 (14 days)

A Rasp of Sand: A Roguelike Tabletop RPG Experience
A Rasp of Sand: A Roguelike Tabletop RPG Experience
A project in Knoxville, TN by David Cox 2 created

A large zine with a Roguelite randomized ocean goddesses temple. Designed to be difficult and highly replayable.

Duration: 2019/02/04 - 2019/03/01 (24 days)

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