David Farmer
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2021 - 2021 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
I'm David Farmer and I have played many different types of games throughout my life. From card to board to computer and all types of sports. I may not be the best, but I always play to win. If it's a team game or sport and you are on my team, you need to have a desire to win also. About 20 years ago I got the idea for the game that today is called Renaissance Chess Challenge™. While I have never been a high level chess player, I do understand a lot of the moves of the pieces and enjoy the game on my level, however when you play someone much better than yourself, the fun can go away. I started thinking of ways I could make the game more enjoyable for a less skilled player like myself and I came up with Renaissance Chess Challenge™!
Renaissance Chess Challenge™ - The Art of Chess Reimagined
Renaissance Chess Challenge™ - The Art of Chess Reimagined
A project in Marietta, GA by David Farmer 1 created

Our Patent Pending chess board has two new rows called "The Battle Zone". Capture a piece there & draw a card then do as it tells you!

Duration: 2021/09/01 - 2021/11/01 (60 days)

*** Failed ***

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