David Lombardo
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $4,001 USD 399 $10 USD
David Lombardo is an indie RPG developer by day, and a photonics research engineer by night (don't have to fight for lab space if everyone else is asleep). He exists in the liminal space between story games and OSR, and has developed unreasonably strong opinions on TTRPGs after having run several dozen different systems.
Not A Place Of Honor
Not A Place Of Honor
A project in Dayton, OH by David Lombardo 1 created

A first hand account of the containment of campaign ending magical artifacts by Bureau for Arcane Neutralization of Esoterics. #ZineQue

Duration: 2021/02/14 - 2021/03/01 (14 days)

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