Demonic Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2022 3 $31,572 USD 828 $38 USD
Lemonic Games / Demonic Games was founded in 2018 by Kristian Karlberg. In 2019 Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon was successfully funded. The game has since been fulfilled to all backers and that game is currently out of print! Kristian designs games 1 day per week and has multiple design signed with various publishers. The Goetia-series is the games that Demonic Games will be publishing. Kristians main means of income is running an successful IT-Consultant business in Gothenburg, Sweden.
A project in Gothenburg, Sweden by Demonic Games 3 created
TabletopAbstractCard GameCardsSolo

A cooperative solitaire strategy card game based on the Swedish holiday Saint Lucia!

Duration: 2022/10/03 - 2022/10/18 (14 days)

Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon
Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon
A project in Gothenburg, Sweden by Demonic Games 3 created
TabletopHorrorMythologyVariable PowersWorker Placement

A dark euro game where players will be contacting, conjuring and worshiping Demons!

Duration: 2020/02/26 - 2020/03/19 (21 days)

Goetia: Nine kings of Solomon
Goetia: Nine kings of Solomon
A project in Gothenburg, Sweden by Demonic Games 3 created
TabletopHorrorSoloWorker Placement

Contact, Conjure and Worship Demons in this eurostyle board game.

Duration: 2019/11/11 - 2019/12/04 (22 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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