District Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2016 - 2018 5 $76,917 USD 966 $80 USD
District Games is a game development studio focused on innovative game concepts. We provide game design, development and marketing services to publishers and corporate clients worldwide.
Zero Gravity - 3D Magnetic Miniatures Game
Zero Gravity - 3D Magnetic Miniatures Game
A project in Turin, Italy by District Games 5 created

Futuristic miniatures game based on a 3D magnetic arena and 80+ amazing miniatures able to defeat gravity *EARLY BIRD OPTION AVAILABLE*

Duration: 2018/10/21 - 2018/11/22 (31 days)

Zero Gravity
Zero Gravity
A project in Turin, Italy by District Games 5 created
TabletopCo-opArea ControlMiniaturesFantasy

An incredible 3D MAGNETIC arena and 80+ MINIATURES. A capture-the-flag game for 2-4 players. Join the most immersive experience ever!

Duration: 2018/09/11 - 2018/10/02 (20 days)

*** Failed ***

Zero Gravity: A Magnetic Miniatures Game
Zero Gravity: A Magnetic Miniatures Game
A project in Turin, Italy by District Games 5 created
TabletopFantasyFightingMiniaturesVariable Powers

An innovative 3D arena with 80+ magnetic miniatures. A capture-the-flag game for 2-4 players with a fresh and unique game play.

Duration: 2017/09/04 - 2017/10/06 (31 days)

*** Cancelled ***

"Zero Gravity" Crowd Review - MAGNETIC MINIATURES game
"Zero Gravity" Crowd Review - MAGNETIC MINIATURES game
A project in Turin, Italy by District Games 5 created

Get early access for €1 to the rules of the most innovative miniatures game ever: contribute to its review and fund its play-testing!

Duration: 2017/06/04 - 2017/07/06 (31 days)

Warage Card Game: Extended Edition
Warage Card Game: Extended Edition
A project in Turin, Italy by District Games 5 created
TabletopCard GameFantasyCardsDiceVariable Powers

Innovative card game mixing a strong role-play flavor with deck construction and fast mechanics. 10 Stretch Goals already unlocked!

Duration: 2016/06/26 - 2016/07/28 (31 days)

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