Duelist Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2023 - 2023 2 $20,975 USD 479 $44 USD
We are a North American game company based in the Chicago area with the mission of making tabletop gaming more accessible through games utilizing common game pieces.
The Deadmans Handbook
The Deadmans Handbook
A project in Chicago, IL by Duelist Games 2 created
TabletopCard GameBook

A collection of original card games in a book, all of which can be played with an ordinary deck of playing cards!

Duration: 2023/04/19 - 2023/06/19 (60 days)

The Deadman s Handbook
The Deadman's Handbook
A project in Chicago, IL by Duelist Games 2 created
TabletopCard GameBook

A collection of original cardgames in book form, all of which can be played with an ordinary deck of cards!

Duration: 2022/12/15 - 2023/02/14 (60 days)

*** Failed ***

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